Nos produtos Vectorworks Design Series, o objeto de janela é inserido com a ferramenta Janela. No Vectorworks Fundamentals, o objeto de janela é inserido a partir de uma biblioteca de objetos acessível pelo Administrador de Recursos. Todos os produtos Vectorworks incluem um objeto de janela com parâmetros semelhantes aos descritos aqui. O Vectorworks Architect e Landmark possuem recursos adicionais.
O Vectorworks Architect e Landmark incluem símbolos de janelas em tamanhos padrão e em diversas configurações, prontos para serem instalados em paredes. Estes produtos também permitem a inserção de janelas em paredes cortina como "janelas de parede cortina" especiais". Além disso o Vectorworks Architect traz uma completa biblioteca de símbolos de janela, agrupados pela configuração e pelo tamanho.
O comando Atualizar Objetos Plug-in pode precisar ser executado em arquivoq eu contenham janelas criadas em uma versão anterior do Vectorworks Architect ou Landmark. Este comando converte as janelas para o formato mais recente. Veja “Migrando de Versões Anteriores” na página 25.
Uma janela pode ser personalizada ajustando-se os diversos parâmetros e então salvando-a como um símbolo de modo que seus parâmetros sejam reutilizados ao inseri-la. Isto elimina a necessidade de alterar novamente os parâmetros, aumentando a eficiência da memória e permitindo a edição global de símbolos. Veja “Criando Novos Símbolo” na página 235.
Se uma janela personalizada for única em um projeto (ou seja, se existe apenas uma instância), não é necessário criar um símbolo a partir dela. No entanto, criar um símbolo a partir de uma janela instalada torna mais fácil reutilizá-la em outros desenhos caso seja necessário fazê-lo no futuro.
Depois que o símbolo for criado ele poderá ser selecionado em Ajustes da Janela (escolhendo Usar Geometria do Símbolo como descrito em “Window Settings: General Pane” na página 590), onde ele poderá utilizar recursos como IDs e dados embutidos, envolvimento de cavidades, chanfrados e deslocamentos de parede. Para ativar a rotulagem automática a partir da aba Tag com ID da janela de configurações, escolha Incluir no Cronograma e especifique os parâmetros da ID. Se necessário, escolha a classe para a qual a ID foi definida como visível. Se preferir, defina a rotulagem automática através da ferramenta Rótulo do ID. Veja “Using the ID Label Tool” na página 1257.
Para inserir uma janela no Vectorworks Fundamentals:
1. Insira um símbolo de janela a partir do Administrador de Recursos (veja “Inserindo Símbolos” na página 237). A direção da janela pode ser alterada posteriormente clicando em Inverter na paleta Informações de Objeto ou a partir do menu de contexto.
2. Clique no botão Configurações na paleta Informações de Objeto para abrir a janela Ajustes da Janela. Acesse cada painel e especifique os parâmetros desejados. Clique em OK para definir os parâmetros e fechar a janela.
Alguns recursos da janela são descritos como "interior" ou "exterior". Estes recursos incluem guranições, venezianas e envolvimento de partes da parede. Estes elementos são determinados com base nas faces interior e exterior da parede, e não na direção exterior da janela. O lado esquerdo da parede (como visto ao longo da direção da parede) será sempre o exterior, e o lado direito será o interior (veja “Direção da Parede” na página 502). Inverter a janela não inverte estes elementos.
Clique para exibir ou esconder os parâmetros.
Clique para exibir ou esconder os parâmetros.
Clique para exibir ou esconder os parâmetros.
As opções de visualização 3D não estarão ativas na configuração de Caixilho de Abertura.
Clique para exibir ou esconder os parâmetros.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
The visibility of the overall 3D window is controlled by the Class setting on the Object Info palette; part settings are controlled from the Window Settings dialog box.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Certain data fields represent calculated values and cannot be edited; as a result, the Field Name and Field Value appear dimmed for those data fields.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
To insert a window:
1. Select the Window tool from the Building Shell tool set.
Alternatively, if placing a curtain wall window into a curtain wall (Vectorworks Architect or Landmark required), select a panel with the Edit Curtain Wall tool, and then right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Mac) on the panel and select Insert Window from the context menu. The window is automatically inserted as a curtain wall window.
2. If this is the first time a window is inserted into the drawing, or if you wish to change the default preferences that apply to subsequently placed windows, click Preferences from the Tool bar.
The Window Settings dialog box opens. The settings are grouped into several panes of related parameters, which are listed on the left side of the dialog box. Select each pane and specify the window parameters. Click OK to set the window parameters and close the dialog box. These parameters can be edited for placed windows from the Object Info palette, as described in “Window Properties” na página 602.
3. Click in the drawing area or in a wall (standard wall or curtain wall) to set the insertion point of the window, and click again to set the rotation. When inserting a window into a wall, place the second click on the exterior side of the wall to establish the exterior direction of the window. The direction of the window can be changed later by clicking Flip on the Object Info palette.
Several features of the window are described as “interior” or “exterior.” These include trim, shutters, and wall-wrap parts. These elements are determined based on the internal and external faces of the wall, not on the window’s exterior direction. The left side of the wall (as viewed along the wall direction) is always “exterior,” and the right side is “interior” (see “Direção da Parede” na página 502). Flipping the window does not flip these elements.
If you are inserting a corner window, place the window in a wall that is attached to another wall. Once parameters are set, the window moves to the nearest corner automatically. This represents one half of the corner window assembly.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
3D Visualization options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Vectorworks Architect or Landmark product required. Corner Window options are not enabled for non-rectangular window shapes or for curtain wall windows.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Jamb and Sash options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Sill options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration or for non-rectangular window shapes, or for curtain wall windows.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Transom options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration or for non-rectangular window shapes, or for curtain wall windows.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Trim options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration or for curtain wall windows.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Vectorworks Architect or Landmark product required. Lintel options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration or for non-rectangular window shapes, or for curtain wall windows.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Muntin options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration or for non-rectangular window shapes.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Vectorworks Architect or Landmark product required. Interior Shutter options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration or for non-rectangular window shapes, or for curtain wall windows.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Vectorworks Architect or Landmark product required. Exterior Shutter options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration or for non-rectangular window shapes, or for curtain wall windows.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Vectorworks Architect or Landmark product required. Centerline Marker options are not enabled for curtain wall windows.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Interior Wall Detail options are not enabled for non-rectangular window shapes or for curtain wall windows.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Exterior Wall Detail options are not enabled for non-rectangular window shapes or for curtain wall windows.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
The visibility of the overall 3D window is controlled by the Class setting on the Object Info palette; part settings are controlled from the Window Settings dialog box.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Certain data fields represent calculated values and cannot be edited; as a result, the Field Name and Field Value appear dimmed for those data fields.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
In the Vectorworks Architect and Landmark products, a custom window sash opening can be created for selection in the Window Settings dialog box. A rectangular sash opening can contain any number of rectangular sashes.
To create a custom window sash opening:
1. From the General pane of the Window Settings dialog box, select the Custom Sash operation and click Custom Sash Options.
The Custom Sash Options dialog box opens for selecting and specifying the sash opening parameters. As parameters are defined, the preview dynamically displays the configuration operations of the sashes filling the opening.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
2. Click OK to close the Custom Sash Options dialog box and return to the Window Settings dialog box. The Window Settings dialog box preview is updated with the customization results.
To edit window parameters, click Settings from the Object Info palette, double-click the window to open the Window Settings dialog box, or right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Mac) on a window and select Edit from the context menu.
When multiple window objects are selected for editing, and if the parameter settings of the selected objects are different, parameters display in an “indeterminate state.” Any values changed through the dialog box are changed for all the selected objects.
Window objects can also be edited in the Object Info palette. If the window has been inserted as a plug-in object, most settings from the Window Settings dialog box display. If the window is a black symbol made from a window object, fields pertaining to window geometry do not display. See “Symbol Types” on page 233.
For the Vectorworks Architect and Landmark products, most, but not all, parameters can be edited from both the Window Settings dialog box and the Object Info palette for ease of access. The fields in the Object Info palette are named similarly (but not always identically) to those in the Window Settings dialog box, and roughly reflect the order in which settings are entered in the dialog box, for ease of editing. Curtain wall windows have limited parameter options.
For the Vectorworks Fundamentals and Spotlight products, certain frequently used parameters are available to be edited directly in the Object Info palette, and do not necessarily reflect the order in which settings are entered in the dialog box. All other parameters are edited only from the Window Settings dialog box.
The window parameters are described in “Inserindo janelas no Vectorworks Fundamentals” na página 583 and “Inserting Windows in Vectorworks Design Series” na página 589. Only the parameters that are different are described here.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
The Window Schedule can be added to the drawing from the VA Create Schedule command (see “Records and Schedules” on page 1853) or the Resource Browser. From the Resource Browser, open the default architectural reports file from the [Vectorworks]\Libraries folder that is included with the Vectorworks Architect product (see “Resource Libraries” on page 215). Drag the Window Schedule worksheet to the drawing. The worksheet is populated with information from the window objects in the current drawing (note that corner windows are counted as two separate windows in the worksheet). To edit the worksheet after it has been created, see “Using Worksheets” na página 1315.
Users of the Vectorworks Landmark and Spotlight products can also create the worksheet by creating a report for objects with a window record. To create the report from Landmark select Tools > Reports > Create Report; from Spotlight select Spotlight > Reports > Create Report.
Certain window terminology varies in the United Kingdom. The window object is automatically localized in the Vectorworks program for users with a United Kingdom serial number; however, since the documentation is not localized, the terminology does not match. This table shows how the terms are mapped.
U.S. Term (in Documentation) |
U.K. Term (in Vectorworks Program) |
Transom |
Fanlight |
Rough Opening |
Structural Opening |
Muntins (Leaf and Transom) |
Glazing Bars |
Colonial (Muntin Style) |
Georgian |
Prairie w/sunburst (Muntin Style) |
Prairie w/ Fan Top |
Colonial w/sunburst (Muntin Style) |
Georgian w/Fan Top |
Mullion (Transom) |
Transom Bar |
Trim |
Architraves |
Interior Trim |
Interior Architraves |
Exterior Trim |
Exterior Architraves |
Masonry Opening (Data) |
Nearest Full-Module of Masonry |
Window Configurations |
Window Configurations |
Fixed Glass |
Fixed Light |
Single Hung |
Sliding Sash (lower) |
Double Hung |
Sliding Sash (upper and lower) |
Casement |
Side-Hung Casement |
Bi-Parting Casement |
Double-Hung Casement |
Awning |
Top-Hung Casement |
Hopper |
Bottom-Hung Casement |