Command |
Path |
Set Lighting Options |
View |
The Set Lighting Options command specifies the ambient light brightness and default color for the current layer, or, when Unified View is selected, the view. By default, the ambient light parameters are set to On, with a Color of white, and a Brightness of 35%. This command also sets the white balance for any light sources with a color temperature, and specifies environment background lighting parameters when a panoramic background resource has been added to the drawing.
The ambient light of a selected viewport can be edited by clicking Lighting Options from the Object Info palette (see Criando viewports de camada de folha).
To set ambient light:
1. Switch to the layer where the desired ambient light settings are to be set.
2. Select the command.
The Lighting Options dialog box opens. Set the ambient light for the layer. The white balance setting can be adjusted for light sources in the layer with a color temperature specified.
If the lighting options are controlled by a Renderworks style that is currently in effect, the Edit Renderworks Style dialog box opens instead; see Renderworks styles.
to show/hide the parameters.