The Building pane specifies the various building elements, such as walls, roofs, spaces, and so on, to include in the calculations. From here, default building element data can also be overridden.
to show/hide the parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Collect Elements |
Specify whether building information from all layers and/or classes should be analyzed, or whether only elements from certain layers and classes should participate in energy analysis calculations. If only specific layers should be included, choose On Specific Layers and then click Layers to specify which layers to use from the Select Layers dialog box. If only specific classes should be included, choose In Specific Classes and click Classes to select the classes to include from the Select Classes dialog box. |
Building Elements |
Lists the building elements (based on the selected layers and classes) that are included in the energy calculations |
Edit Building Elements List |
Opens the Edit Building Elements List dialog box, for modifying or adding to the list of included building elements, as described in the following section |
Spaces |
Total Relevant Floor Area |
Automatic Calculation |
Calculates the relevant floor area from the space objects in the drawing (based on the selected layers and classes) |
Manual Input |
Enter the floor area value manually, overriding the automatic calculation |
Total Volume |
Automatic Calculation |
Calculates the space volume from the space objects in the drawing (based on the selected layers and classes) |
Manual Input |
Enter the volume value manually, overriding the automatic calculation |
Edit Spaces List |
Opens the Edit Spaces List, for modifying the list of included spaces, as described in the following section |
To change the list of building elements included in the calculations and override values derived from the drawing:
From the Building pane of the Energos Project Settings, click Edit Building Elements List. The Edit Building Elements List dialog box opens.
to show/hide the parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Building Elements List View Filter |
Toggles the display of specific types of building elements in the list; selected elements are displayed in the list. Only the display of listed items is affected. These settings do not affect energy calculations. |
Filtered Building Elements List |
Lists the building elements, based on filtering, that participate in energy calculations. A check mark in the Use column indicates that the element is included; deselect the check mark to remove the element from calculations. Other displayed data come from the drawing, from the element, or from manual modifications made by editing the element or creating a new virtual element. The element’s orientation is determined by the position of each element and the heliodon object present in the drawing. |
New |
Click New to add a building element. When creating a new element to add to energy calculations, the element’s Source is always Manual since the element is additional and does not come from the drawing. An element added in this way can be considered a virtual element since it does not actually exist in the drawing. The Edit Building Element dialog box opens. Select the Type of element, and its Orientation parameters; provide an optional Name for the element and indicate its Area and R-Value/U-Value parameters. |
Edit |
Click Edit to edit the currently selected building element. The Edit Building Element dialog box opens. When editing a building element, the information can either come from the drawing or from values entered manually; click Modified to enter override values. Specify the Orientation parameter; provide an optional Name for the element and indicate its Area and R-Value/U-Value parameters. It is also possible to increase the Area value of drawing elements by including an area value from the attached record format. A valid record format must already be attached to the object. Click Insert Parameter to select a parameter with additional area from the list of records attached to the element. This action may be necessary to fine tune the height of the exterior walls where they join auto-bound slabs/roofs. The building element overrides modify the element in the list and in the energy calculations. |
Delete |
Removes the selected element from the list of displayed building elements, and from energy calculations, but does not remove the selected element from the drawing |
Select in Drawing |
When one or more elements are selected in the list, click Select in Drawing to save all data, close all dialog boxes, and return to the drawing. The building elements are selected in the drawing, and the zoom level is set to Fit to Objects. Manually-entered elements cannot be selected in the drawing, since they are virtual elements. |
The list of building elements updates to reflect the included or modified elements.
To change the list of space objects included in the calculations and override values derived from the drawing:
From the Building pane of the Energos Project Settings, click Edit Spaces List. The Edit Spaces List dialog box opens.
to show/hide the parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Spaces List |
Lists the space objects that participate in energy calculations. A check mark in the Use column indicates that the space is included; deselect the check mark to remove the space from calculations. Other displayed data come from the drawing, from the space object, or from manual modifications made by editing the space or creating a new virtual space. |
New |
Click New to add a space. When creating a new space to add to energy calculations, the space’s Source is always Manual since the space is additional and does not come from the drawing. A space added in this way can be considered a virtual space since it does not actually exist in the drawing. The Edit Space dialog box opens. Provide an optional Name for the space and indicate its Area and Volume parameters. A negative area value can be specified, allowing the calculation to be controlled without deleting spaces from the drawing. |
Edit |
Click Edit to edit the currently selected space. The Edit Space dialog box opens. When editing a space, the information can either come from the drawing or from values entered manually; click Modified to enter override values. When overridden with modified values, changes to spaces in the drawing have no effect on calculations. Provide an optional Name for the space and indicate its Area and Volume parameters. |
Delete |
Removes the selected space from the list of spaces, and from energy calculations, but does not remove the selected space from the drawing |
Select in Drawing |
When one or more spaces are selected in the list, click Select in Drawing to save all data, close all dialog boxes, and return to the drawing. The spaces are selected in the drawing, and the zoom level is set to Fit to Objects. Manually-entered spaces cannot be selected in the drawing, since they are virtual spaces. |
The list of spaces updates to reflect the included or modified spaces.
Energy analysis parameter dependencies
Configurando Arquivo para Análise Energética